Forum text

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Alternative economies: a letter from Brazil
Camilo, memeber of the Ducth organization Stcihitng Strohalm, is working in Brazil to create alternative Monetary Methods in cooperation with oa. the MST, the movement of landless peasants. A eyewitness account. [author: Camilo Ramada ]

Autonomy and self-organisation
After the beginning of the last century, Chief Womba of Leverville, a place called after the founder of Unilever, the Dutch multinational company, collected coconuts for Mr. Lever. Mr. Lever was earning a lot of money, as you know. Chief Womba only had to deliver his coconuts for a good living. After a year, he had all he needed for a good living: ten wives, a big village, pearls, brass poles and so on. He no longer collected coconuts. Mr. Lever couldn't understand this attitude. "Why didn't Chief Womba carry on collecting coconuts? Every palm tree could be a full bank account for him." [author: Karl-Heinz Thier]

From Resistance to Revolution
Replacing capitalism with networks of free, autonomous and self-reliant spaces
This text was written in February 2001 for the book 'Restructuring and Resistance - Diverse Voices of Struggle in Western Europe' ( and will soon be updated to take into account the important changes that have happened since Genoa and September 11th [author: autonomous]

Human Rights & other Irrelevancies
a psychological overview of problems experienced by asylum-seekers. [author:]

Media Network In Leiden
"There was no proper Media Group in Strasbourg" ... Is there a Media Group for the Conference of Leiden? When [Media Group] will meet at Leiden? [ author: Giorgio Viali ]

The Second Dying Earth Summit
Don't expect anything from the Johannesburg Earth Summit [author: Jasper]

The tyranny of tyranny
The article 'The tyranny of structurelessness' shouldn't be published without it's associated article, 'The Tyranny of Tyranny', a response to Joreen's statement. The dialectic of both is much more meaningful then one of both sets of ideas from the 70's. [author: Cathy Levine {Jasper}]

Trans-identitäre Organisierung & Hybridität - Heiliger Goldfisch! [DE]
Stichworte zur Orts-, Organisations- und Identitätsdebatte rund um's 5. Antirassistische Grenzcamp. Oder: Warum dieses Jahr die Musik in Thüringen spielt?! Trans-identitäre Organisierung & Hybridität - Heiliger Goldfisch, was ist denn das!? [author: Gregor Samsa]

Zur Verschränkung von Rassismus und Sexismus [DE]
Vom 17. - 20. Januar 2002 fand in Bremen die 1. cross-over-conference statt - mit dem Untertitel: Machtnetze attackieren! Ziel dieser conference war es, gesellschaftliche Herrschaftsverhältnisse auf ihre jeweiligen Verzahntheiten hin abzuklopfen, also mit einem Anspruch ernst zu machen, welcher zwar regelmässig formuliert, viel zu selten jedoch umgesetzt wird. Konkret heisst das: Geplant waren ausschliesslich workshops, die 2 oder mehr Herrschaftsverhältnisse miteinander verknüpfen, wie z.B. Heterosexismus und Kapitalismus oder Sexismus und Antisemitismus. In diesem Sinne soll im Folgenden anhand eines konkreten Verknüpfungsbeispieles veranschaulicht werden, worin denn theoretischer wie praktischer Nutzen eines solchen Vorgehens besteht. [author: Gregor Samsa ]

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