European PGA
(People's Global Action)

Call PGA conf.
3rd Europ. PGA conf.
Workshop Questionaire

Notes of 3-6 Oct '03
Notes of 10-12 Jan '04
Notes of 16-18 Apr '04

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Locations in Jajinci
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Please DON'T GO to the office on Narodnog Fronta street no.14  Belgrade, because the office is NOT SAFE anymore. Please call Milan +381-(0)63-8528923 if you need assistence for going to Jajinci.

Locations into the: MAP OF JAJINCI.

Move the mouse over the map and click on the locations.

Click here for a bigger map

Another map of Jajinci

Good map of Jajinci. After clicking the link you select "1. Osnovna škola Jajinci" out of the menu and a map will occur.

School building (Location I)

Is at the Ilije Petrovica 12, Jajinci, Beograd

There is enough space for at least 300 people. There are separate places possible for people with kids.

Inside the school there are 9 classrooms where different people will work:

  • video team,
  • radio / journalist team
  • child space

Picture 1 - Frontside of school (Photo: Majda)

Picture 2 - School side, which will be used as eating place. (Photo: Majda)

Picture 3 - Family campsite. (Photo: Serge)

Picture 4 - Childspace. (Photo: Serge)

Goto clickable map

Info-point / Sportfield (Location II)

  • Near the campsite of FK Heroj at Bulevar Jna 86 [ Bulevar Balkan Mondial Peace :-) ], Jajinci, Beograd
  • Infopoint of the PGA conference
  • There will be place for the Daily PGA newspaper, intercafé and Indymedia

Picture 5 - Infopoint -computer center (Photo: Serge)

  • FK "Heroj" is at Dr.Mila Boskovica, Jajinci, Beograd
  • It will be used as campsite.
  • Little building on field used to be a bar so we will probably make a bar there,there are some 10 brand new showers..

Picture 6 - Football field with bar behind. (Photo: Majda)

Picture 7 - Bar (Photo: Majda)

Goto clickable map

Small School(Location III)

Bulevar JNA 30 [ Bulevar Balkan Mondial Peace 30 :-) ]

  • It is very big and conviniant for people with wans,combis and trucks,enough space for 500 people.
  • School building has 2 classrooms,will see what for to use them.There are 2 toilets and water.

Picture 9 - Small Schoolbuilding (Photo: Darco)

Picture 10 - Schoolfield (Photo: Majda)

Goto clickable map

Monument park

Picture 8 - monument in the Spomen park. (Photo: Majda)

Goto clickable map

Local community cultural center

Bulevar JNA 20 [ Bulevar Balkan Mondial Peace 20 :-) ]

For open air workshops and picknicks. Location is huge at a lot of things can happen there. Sorry I got no picture yet.

Goto clickable map

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