Workshops Notes
This is the meeting on Monday September 2, 2002 in Block 3 (14:30 - 16:00) at the Volkshuis.
This is bare text, more material you can find here:
Reason for this talk: not immediate action, but neede is a vision on these issues from a non-profit perspective.
We are in a proces of witnessing a move from using mixed media (radio, sms, billboard, television) to create user experiences to designing inclusive experiences by mediatizing the environment.
This is recognized in and fuelled by the latest i3 call The disappearing computer, launched by Future and Emerging Technologies, the European Commission's IST Programme. The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaceswas created in 1996 in order "to take a human-centred approach to the exploration of new, visionary interactive systems for people in their everyday activities."
"in which our everyday world of objects and places become 'infused' and 'augmented' with information processing. In this vision, computing, information processing, and computers disappear into the background, (italics mine) and take on the role more similar to that of electricity (italics mine) today - an invisible, pervasive medium distributed on or real world."
When the computer disappears the environment becomes the interface.
It becomes : hybrid: a mix of analogue and digital data processes. It becomes: in between:
In a mediated environment it no longer is clear what is being mediated, and what mediates. Such environments - your kitchen, living-room, our shopping malls, streets of old villages, websites, schools, p2p networks, are new beginnings as they reformulate our sense of ourselves in places in spaces in time.
As new beginnings they begin new media.
These new media look extremely familiar. It can be - for example - any Sony audiovisual piece of apparatus that you bought in Japan after 2000. Sony "will put an Internet address into all of its electronic devices to enable them to communicate with each another." How? Through Airboard using "the Internet's addressing scheme". to allow its audio-visual products to talk and exchange data with one another. So your Walkman, has its very own IP address.
Environments are becoming smart and smarter.
Beeld Superbowl, Visiotronics nu Identix, face recognition software. Our cameras were quite dumb, now they are databasedriven.
We might as well start by taking a vacation. This might be noticed, however, by database processes even before you take your flight (the decision to go/no go is still yours..for now):
"Federal aviation authorities and technology companies will soon begin testing a vast air security screening system designed to instantly pull together every passenger's travel history and living arrangements, plus a wealth of other personal and demographic information.
The government's plan is to establish a computer network linking every reservation system in the United States to private and government databases. The network would use data-mining and predictive software to profile passenger activity and intuit obscure clues about potential threats, even before (Italics mine) the scheduled day of flight."
Note the extremities to which the designers will go to script serendipity into their profiling strategy: data-mining and predictive software and intuit obscure clues.
This level of extremity is only reached in the latest craze of data gathering through sensorial agents: smart dust:
"Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have developed a complete sensor-based communication system that can be integrated into a tiny package. Using MEMS, or micro-electro-mechanical system technology, the battery-powered sensor nodes can independently assess movement or environment, then relay that information between nodes to a sensor board. The sensor nodes, or motes, can be dropped from an airplane and used to track troop movements."
You might want to cough and breath in, breath in smart dust particles up your nose, and hopefully they will all be chucked out, when you finally sneeze.
Still, we have decided to take that vacation and at the airport our luggage is tagged. Airline baggage tracking equipment is made either by Philips Semiconductors EindhovenSCS, San Diego, CA, Texas Instruments, Dallas.
Because they have dropped below the penny cost:
"Manufacturers hoping to recoup some of the billions lost every year to theft, counterfeit, and depleted stocks have been closely watching a technology that promises to track the locations of individual products, from perfume bottles to car parts, in real time. At the heart of this scenario is a little device called a "radio frequency identification tag"a silicon chip that boots up and transmits a signal when exposed to the energy field of a nearby reader. "
Naturally, in this scheme there is an ultimate goal:
"The ultimate goal is to put a radio tag on virtually every manufactured item, each tracked by a network of millions of readers in factories, trucks, warehouses and homes, transforming huge supply chains into intelligent, self-managing entities. Dick Cantwell, vice president of global business management at Gillette says that the devices for reading the tags are "going to be a ubiquitous part of construction, whether you're building stores or homes....We see this as a tremendous opportunity and we intend to make full use of the technology as it becomes available."
And what is this like?
Steve Halliday, vice president of technology at AIM, a trade association for manufacturers of tagging technology, says, "If I talk to companies and ask them if they want to replace the bar code with these tags, the answer can't be anything but yes. It's like giving them the opportunity to rule the world."
It's like giving them the opportunity to rule the world.
One slight drawback though:
"The range of a tag seldom exceeds five meters, nor can the tags be
read through walls or other thick barriers. What's more, Electronic Product
Codes identify objects, not people."
What people?
In which environment?
In hybrid environments there are no more people, no more surroundings, no more props.
Just tags. And sensors. And ambient technology that tries to disguise itself as harmless by using the terms electricity and background. What is electricity but blackboxed technology to its extreme: on/off?
Who's hands are on that switch that does now lite up the world indeed, able as it is to switch off, switch on our very beings.
At the moment these disappearing acts are beyond open sourcing moneywise. We either find the money or we find ways in. If we don't it might be Steve Halliday's hand creeping towards that switcher.
Dus negatief beeld van electricity.
Positief: modes of action:
From power to influence to resonance
Sustainability:not only whose? But of what?
The Flow of Natural industrial human AND digital/technological processes.
Overload and supersenses:
Boosting our senses is naturally beneficial in terms of correcting major or minor handicaps (from which most of us suffer in certain situations) but it becomes more dubious when peo- ple can use new aids to learn too much about each other. For example, if someone were to use their supersense to establish the condition of my health, feelings and/or other personal matters. "
"New communication senses will be needed in the future to enable people
to absorb the enormous mass of information with which they are confronted,"
says Martin Rantzer, head of research at Ericsson in Linkping, Sweden, in
his report entitled "All senses communication." The basic premise
of "All senses communi- cation" is that as a result of rapid technical
de- velopment we surround ourselves with insophisticated and complex devices
and services. And this trend seems to be accel- erating. Our ability to use
technology, however, is not developing at the same rate. We do not see and
hear better, understand more quickly, and our motor functions and reaction
times have not improved very much over the past one hundred years.
The user interfaces we use today to transmit information to our brains threaten
to create a real bottleneck for new broadband services. Broadband for our
phones is not enough, we also need it for our brains. Today's mobile users
normally use only one sense - hearing. Mobile broadband and video-phones will
soon enable us to see the person we are talking to as well as that person's
surround- ings. The vision is that we will eventually be able to use all our
senses, and truly experience at a distance the same things as the other person.
There is a clear trend in our society toward an increased focus on experience,
and our senses are the key to all real or virtual experiences. "But it
is not simply a matter of using sight, smell and touch at a distance. Even
more, this vision aims to improve ourinteraction with technology. We believe
that the way in which people com- municate via technology will become increasinglylike
ordinary human communication," says Martin Rantzer.
"Adding voice and gestures to interfaces may make them more intuitive,
as well as pro- viding more nuances than we can achieve with a mouse-click."
We must make use of new communication senses. Apart from sight, hearing and
touch, these will include senses that people have nev- er had before - for
example, radar vision and heat vision using infrared cameras. Technology can
transform our own senses into "super- senses."