Workshops Notes
author: jense
The ESC is an initiative aiming at creating social debate and reflection in European society in a horizontal and participatory way. The idea is to facilitate spaces where people can encounter each other and talk about local (and global) problems and find solutions to them through direct democracy. It does so with a set of hallmarks similar to those of the PGA, yet differs from the PGA in that it offers open space for discussion where it is possible for non-politicised people to participate and contribute to debates on issues that concern their lives. As some people in the workshop put it: The Consulta can create forums where we could comfortably invite our grandmothers and other family to participate, while the PGA which is more action focused could not do so.
The ESC name is derived from the Zapatista mock referendum in 1997 and reflects the experiences of direct democracy such as what has been recently been practised in Argentina this year. It is a politicising experience as it gives people the power to take back democracy outside the representative democracy which governments use to legitimise continued repression in diverse forms. It will be a place where people can come and join if not happy with the more vertical structures offered within other political groupings.
The Consulta is still in process of 'formulating' itself and therefore there is an internal consultation within the current networks to be able to 'structure' the Consulta itself, done on a consensus basis. The set of hallmarks frame the idea of the Consulta and acts as a guide to the internal consultation.
The Consulta will be facilitated through Promoter groups who do outreach in different localities by meeting with other groups, organisations and collectives in different areas, talking about it and then source responses to the questions in the guide about how to design the consulta itself. The Consulta is at the stage of getting the idea out, receiving answers from groups and looking for promoter groups.
Local groups identify projects, which may be of their interest. The emphasis
is upon participatory reflection upon the problems, and upon the alternatives
we can and do use to transform society
In the session groups from Barcelona, Lisbon, Stockholm, Berlin, Madrid, Tübingen
and Oslo gave examples their experiences of being part of the Consulta.
To help groups engaging in the Consulta process, summaries of examples and initiatives from existing promoter groups as well as other experiences of direct democracy will be collected which can be used as possible campaigns by such groups.
Tuesday at 19.00 in "Las Vegas" will be an "extra workshop" to continue the discusion
There will be a meeting in Barcelona in October 18th to the 20th. Then in February 2003 there will be the first Gathering with different groups to talk together and try to reach agreement on the consulta itself, based on the input from the internal consulta.
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