PGA Process

 Proposal By MRG For PGA Structure

author: mrg

Proposal By MRG For PGA Structure
Convenors, convenorship and support group:

This is important to clarify that we understand convenor task as only improve communication in network. They will have no more funtions, nor will create structures.

  1. Zonal contacts (can be a region, a zone, a workingroup,a city). Does the contact tasks in their territorial level for all the network. Not necesary there will have local pga meetings but they can do. His function It's to make a bridge between regional convenors and people with no access to information and to exchange information at smaller territorial level. People of Each territory has autonomy to choose if they have or not local contact and his local functions. More Global functions are that european conference decided.
  2. Division of Europe in several regions, for instance: East Europe, Sud-West Europe, North-Central Europe. One (or more, as 1) convenor for each region. Functions, as 1.
  3. Two continental convenors: One to exchange information with other continental zones on PGA and support global (world) campaigns, another to convene the next european conference and to coordinate the information between all the regional convenors (point 2) at european level. One of each Europe region.
  4. European Suport group. Is formed by several working groups at the european Level. Can be part of this working groups all the people which are part of the function 1,2 or 3. And also ex – convenors.
    His function: tools, fundraising, contacts.
  5. Global Suport Group and other regions Suport Group. The space to decide about it are the Pga Global meetings or Other regions Pga meeting, anyway, we suggest that for Europe could be part of these suport group the same people that can be part of the european suport Group in contact with the convenor in information exchange at global level.
  6. European regions will decide if they need an own convenor when they have a convenor that act as european convenor.
  7. A convenor or a zonal contact is based in a collective that takes de responsability; but they can open their tasks to other people of other collectives in their territory.
  8. About the Convenorship Changes. In order to facilitate the european coordination we propose that regional and european convenors for Europe changes in each European Metting. Except the European Convenor for the Global Conference that could change every Global Conference. Old Convenors can be part of the support group; and will be convened to the first new convenors meeting.
  9. Each European conference can be from one year to one year and half after the previos one, depending of the european calendar and of the Global Conferences.
  10. Nor convenor, nor support groups make unilateral decisions on action days campaigns, nor contents of the Conferences. His function it's to facilitate horizontal decitions making process on and before the conference, to implement conference's decisions, and to share Local coordination work.
  11. Just After Each European Conference information, contacts, etc. to start working as support group or convenors must be given by current convenors and support group. Information not given will be ignorated by the moment.
  12. Convenors meetings: Will be meetings between de convenors point 2 and point 3 with the aim of activate the network or to prepare the next conference.
    They can invite also the the zonal contacts or the support group depending of the aim and the logistic of the meeting and they must to invite the old convenors to the first european pga convenors meeting.
  13. Everyone that respect the PGA basic hallmarks and organizative principles have autonomy beyond this 13 principles.


author:: pgaredactie 01.09.2002 21:46

note: this is not the outcome of the meeting. It is a proposal. minutes will come later. this is a counter proposal to the proposal Eurodusnie made before.

see proposal part I :
see proposal part II :

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