Section 2: Relations between PGA and other political/activist organisations.
(eg NGOs, Trade Unions, Social Fora, Political Parties)
A discussion text was presented, including one proposal:
1) The PGA network provides an excellent opportunity for groups to
exchange their experiences about working with other organisations so
as to share problems and possible solutions.
Proposal: A call for interested groups and
individuals to compile a manual or reader on how to deal with these other
organisations whilst upholding the kind of political ideas and practices
that PGA endorses and also or making suggestions on how to contaminate
others with our politics in our activism and everyday lives.
Block: - for two reasons: Firstly, part
of the movement doesn't want anything to do with such organisations,
so to do this in thename of PGA ignores this huge part of the movement.
Secondly, when we work with other organisations it is only for
tactical reasons, o we don't actually see the purpose of this proposal.
Outcome: Those who are interested in contributing
will get together and write the reader, but it will be 'inspired by PGA'
not 'in the name of PGA'.
Reactions to the rest of the discussion text
We go back to small groups to discuss the proposal
Proposal: "That PGA should not allow
people to become isolated or excluded in the PGA process because they
belong to certain organisations that may be less situated within PGA
hallmarks, but put the emphasis on people's behaviour within the network
and at conferences. However, people from such organisations can only
participate as individuals, will not be allowed to promote their organisation
through PGA, and must respect the PGA hallmarks when participating in
PGA. Leaders and representatives of such organisations are not welcome
in PGA, and PGA process meetings are only open to people who agree with
the hallmarks."
Outcome: Agreed
'The PGA Hallmarks clearly reject all forms of discrimination, including fascism and racism. However, a comment from one of the spokes reads badly, and does not reflect the sentiment of the spokescouncil meeting. It could be interpreted wrongly, since the hallmarks clearly exclude fascism.
We are facing the long-term reality of the rise of racism and fascism in the world. This is a reality that needs to be confronted and challenged by the PGA network and the groups that are active within it.'
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